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Department of Defense

Department of Defense

Department of Defense

MAMC has performed surveys directly for the Army Corps. and NAVFAC, at facilities such as Navy base piers, anchorages, dredge material containment facilities, and critical navigation channels. Survey scopes for the DOD have ranged from simple single beam hydrographic surveys to complex geophysical surveys requiring the use of a magnetometer, LiDAR, and dedicated side scan. The majority of DOD surveys are performed under the guidelines specified in the USACE Hydrographic Survey Manual while others may need to comply with more stringent requirements specified in the contract specifications.

MAMC has exhibited the flexibility to adapt to a wide range of scenarios, conditions, and specifications, making us a one-stop shop for DOD survey tasks. Lastly, MAMC employees have successfully passed background checks and received badging at multiple DOD facilities giving the Owner the peace of mind that this process should not delay starting the project.