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Hydrographic Surveying

Hydrographic Surveying

Hydrographic Surveying

MAMC owns and operates a fleet of multibeam and single beam echo sounders, each founded on survey vessels capable of working in bodies of water ranging from shallow rivers to mild sea-state ocean conditions. We also operate a dual-frequency, multi-pulse tow behind side-scan sonar for high resolution underwater imaging, and a Mesotech 1000 360 degree rotating underwater scanner for real-time diver, structure, or pipeline observation. Typical hydrographic survey requests we receive from our clients include, but are not limited to: determining existing water depths at marine terminals, dredging progress and acceptance surveys, breakwater and jetty construction progress surveys, and pre and post-construction debris or vessel access surveys.

Client deliverables associated with each survey range from a simple point file to high-definition plots, cross-sections, 3D surface models, and for those who really want to impress the owner, 3D printed scaled models. All surveys undergo a rigorous quality control evaluation to ensure the primary variables such as tide, sound velocity, and sensor orientation are properly measured and applied to each data set.